Descriere producător
It’s precisely 50 years since our founder, Vittorio Comunello, started on his pioneering adventure to build a company for the production of components for sliding gates. The company was an instant success and has maintained its reputation and market position based on innovative solutions and an unrivalled reputation for absolute quality.
50 years of precision in the manufacture of perfect components, maintaining pace with the evolution of the most advanced technologies while guaranteeing complete security and safety.
- Preț838.95LeiCarcasa:Plastic
Nr. bucle:1 bucProducator:Comunello - Preț166.60LeiTehnologie LED:DAProducator:Comunello
- Preț0.00LeiProducator:Comunello
- Preț95.20LeiProducator:Comunello
- Preț262.99LeiFixare:AplicatProducator:Comunello
- Preț216.58LeiFixare:AplicatProducator:Comunello
- Preț398.65LeiAlimentare:230 VAlimentare motor:24 VNr. Motoare:2 BucProducator:Comunello
- Preț351.05LeiAlimentare:230 VAlimentare motor:24 VNr. Motoare:1 BucProducator:Comunello
- Preț121.38LeiFrecventa:433,92 MHzProducator:ComunelloBataia maxima:100 mNumar de functii / canale:4 BucCOD:Saritor
- Preț116.62LeiFrecventa:433,92 MHzProducator:ComunelloBataia maxima:100 mNumar de functii / canale:2 BucCOD:Saritor
- Preț95.20LeiFrecventa:433,92 MHzProducator:ComunelloNumar de functii / canale:4 BucCOD:Saritor
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